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Tanning Beds Now Considered Top Carcinogen

The latest reports by the World Health Organization published in the medical journal Lancet Oncology has cast quite a shadow on the tanning bed industry.

For those of you keen to read the full article, the Lancet report can be read at the website below, but you need to be a paid subscriber.

The CBC also has a good summary.

Key points to take away from the new report:
- The World Health Organization has now classified tanning beds as a top carcinogen, alongside things like cigarettes, asbestos, hepatitis B virus, mustard gas
- Risk of skin melanoma is increased by 75% when people start using tanning beds before 30 yrs of age
- People younger than 18 yrs old should not be using tanning beds......this is a common practice in Northern Europe (France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany)
- Tanning beds emit a higher concentration (up to 10x more) UV rays more than the mid-day sun

My Take on Things:
I certainly don't think that everyone should be panicking about this report. It seems a little over the top to classify tanning beds on the same level as asbestos and mustard gas. Dermatologists in France have been recommending for some time now that people not exceed 10 tanning sessions per year. This does sound like prudent advice because it's the Frequency and Length of time that one spends in a tanning bed that probably increases your risk. Extended exposure to UV rays also causes pre-mature aging.

For those averse to reading scientific journals, I would recommend this quick video clip produced by the Associated Press:

Yours in health,

Ian Koo, ND
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Essentials Health Centre
"The care you want, the health you need"

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