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Naturopathic Doctors given prescribing rights in British Columbia.

On April 9, 2009, B.C. health minister George Abbott approved regulations granting prescribing authority to naturopathic doctors practicing in British Columbia. See below links for more details.

British Columbia recognizes the role that Naturopathic Doctors bring to the health care system and is the first province to approve prescribing authority to NDs. In many U.S. states, NDs already have this privilege.

Someone asked me, "why do NDs want to prescribe drugs?" The simple answer is that there are times when medication is important. I cannot speak for all of my colleagues, but I am certainly not opposed to Western Medicine and there is a place and time for natural therapies and there are many cases where a combination of the two treatment approaches is best.

People often ask me when will naturopathic medicine be covered under OHIP? The truth is, I don't know and with fifty cents of every dollar being spent on health care in Ontario, it will be a tough proposition, though I'm hopeful that one day, governments will recognize that naturopathic doctors can alleviate the health burden (costs and wait times) born by the system. What has transpired in B.C. may be the first step in including naturopathic medicine into our universal health care system. It should be noted that people making a certain income are partially already covered for naturopathic care in B.C. Maybe Ontario will follow suit......let's hope!

Yours in health,

Ian Koo, ND
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Essentials Health Centre
"The care you want, the health you need"

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