We watched a video of Dr. Emoto performing experiments with water and photographing frozen water crystals. His hypothesis was that our thoughts and words can affect change even down to the molecular level. To prove this, he wrote negative words like 'hate' & 'sadness' onto glass containing water. He also wrote positive words like 'love' & 'respect' on other glass containers. After a couple of days, he froze the water and began to take photographs of the water crystals. The result was that water that had been exposed to positive thoughts and words formed beautiful, symmetrical water crystals whereas those exposed to negativity produced shapes that weren't as pleasing to look at. Don't believe me, next time you're at the bookstore, look through his published photograph collection entitled The Message from Water. You too will be astounded. Some of you may have heard of the saying "energy follows thought" and I believe that this is an example of that.
Visit Dr. Emoto's website to learn more about his work and don't forget to check out the 'Water Crystal of the month'. This month's featured word is "courtesy".

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